Gold has been long valued by societies all over the world for its lustre and malleability. Discover the 4 reasons why you should trade gold.
What is one reason why gold trading is widely considered a safe and secure type of transaction?
A.Gold prices are highly volatile
B.Gold trading requires complex pricing mechanisms
C.Gold value tends to remain stable or increase during market turbulence
D.Gold markets are influenced by numerous unpredictable factors
Why do many traders include gold trading in their investment portfolios?
A.Gold has a high correlation with other assets
B.Gold reacts similarly to market stimuli as other assets
C.Gold offers a natural hedge during volatile times
D.Gold is influenced mainly by company fundamentals
What characteristic of gold makes it a timeless asset for portfolio diversification?
A.Its high correlation with other assets
B.Its low volatility during market turbulence
C.Its tendency to maintain or increase in value over time
D.Its complex pricing mechanisms
Which factor influences gold demand and value in the market?
A.Global population growth
B.Fluctuations in oil prices
C.Interest rates and the US dollar currency
D.Technological advancements
What is a significant advantage of gold trading over other financial transactions?
A.Higher correlation with other assets
B.Lower market volatility
C.Lower storage inconvenience
D.Higher liquidity
What advantage does trading gold online offer over physically owning gold accessories or bars?
A.Lower trading costs
B.Real-time quotes
C.Higher storage convenience
D.Reduced market volatility
What role do exchange-traded funds and contracts for differences play in gold trading?
A.They increase market volatility
B.They reduce trading costs
C.They provide exposure to gold prices without physical ownership
D.They offer guaranteed returns on investment
Gold has been long valued by societies all over the world for its lustre and malleability. Discover the 4 reasons why you should trade gold.
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