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Monthly Archives: June 2024


Pound Sterling Slips Amid BoE Rate Decision – Test

Written on June 28, 2024 at 6:00 am, by

Fundamental Analysis * Dovish Tone: The GBP/USD exchange rate declined after the Bank of England (BoE) decided to keep interest rates at 5.25%. The accompanying statement indicated the decision was “finely balanced,” implying there was a significant risk the BoE might have opted to cut rates. The language of the accompanying statement and minutes wasContinue Reading

EUR/USD Rise As Dollar Weakens Across The Market – Test

Written on June 28, 2024 at 5:48 am, by

Fundamental Analysis * Data Drought : EUR/USD has slightly recovered from its low, primarily from the broad US dollar weakness due to a lack of significant data releases. The market is continuing to digest the possibility of the Fed reducing interest rates twice in 2024 amid easing inflationary pressures. The US Consumer Price Index (CPI)Continue Reading

Oil Price Dips As US Demand Slow, Rising Supply -Test

Written on June 28, 2024 at 5:47 am, by

Fundamental Analysis * Energy Ebb: The price of the crude oil have fell due to an unexpected increase in U.S. stockpiles, raising concerns about sluggish demand from the world’s largest oil consumer. The U.S. Energy Information Administration (EIA) reported a 3.6-million-barrel rise in the country’s crude oil stocks last week, surprising analysts polled by ReutersContinue Reading

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